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Recommended reading and viewing on COVID-19 from a systems thinking perspective

Tags: advice, coronavirus, experts, health, news
Published on March 13, 2020

With a lot of information (and misinformation) available about COVID-19, WEAll wants to share two thoughtful and useful contributions that help to frame the ongoing situation from a systems thinking perspective.

In this TEDx talk, global health expert Alanna Shaikh talks about the current status of the 2019 nCov coronavirus outbreak and what this can teach us about the epidemics yet to come. Alanna Shaikh is a global health consultant and executive coach who specializes in individual, organizational and systemic resilience. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University and a master’s degree in public health from Boston University. She has lived in seven countries and it the author of What’s Killing Us: A Practical Guide to Understanding Our Biggest Global Health Problems.

On Medium , micro biologist and systems thinker Phoebe Tickell has compiled a summary of articles and facts to act as a briefing document for , people who run organisations, events, conferences, communities, or have any sway over the decision-making at these places.

She writes:

“All of the practice you may have done around systems thinking, community care, holding complexity, is coming to bear right now. This virus is forcing us to see in systems.”

Read her article: ‘I need you to read this and decide about Coronavirus‘.

Also on Medium, a summary of articles and advice by Tomas Pueyo has also been gaining a lot of attention. It does not explicitly take a systems change lens to the crisis, but it does contain very useful and verifiable information that may help you with urgent decision making.

Read his article: ‘Coronavirus: why you must act now‘.

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